User Guide
Viewing Analysis Results
A search that is not qualified by a modifier matches the search string based on the following issue
attributes: kingdom, primary rule id, analyzer, filename, severity, class name, function name, instance
id, package, confidence, type, subtype, taint flags, category, sink, and source.
To apply the search to all modifiers, type a string such as control flow. This searches all the
modifiers and returns any result that contains the specified string.
To apply the search to a specific modifier, type the modifier name and the string as follows:
analyzer:control flow. This returns all results detected by the Control Flow Analyzer.
The following table describes the search modifiers. A few modifiers have a shortened modifier name
indicated in parentheses. You can use either modifier string.
Search Modifier
Searches for issues based on the accuracy value specified (0.1
through 5.0).
Searches for issues that have the specified audit analysis value,
such as exploitable, not an issue, and so on.
[analysis type]
Searches for issues based on the analyzer product such as SCA
Searches the issues for the specified analyzer such as control
flow, data flow, structural, and so on.
Searches for issues based on whether Application Defender
[app defender protected]
can protect the vulnerability category (protected or not
Searches for issues that contain the search term in the part of
the request that caused the vulnerability for penetration test
[attack payload]
Searches for issues based on the type of penetration test
[attack type]
attack conducted (URL, parameter, header, or cookie).
Searches for issues based on the intended audience, such as
dev, targeted, medium, broad, and so on.
Caution! This metadata is legacy information that is
no longer used and will be removed in a future release.
Fortify recommends that you not use this search
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