Installation and Usage Guide
Chapter 2: Preparing Windows Server and Installing the LIM
Tip: Write down the virtual directory name that you specify for the LIM REST API. You
must use this API virtual directory as part of the URL when configuring Fortify
ScanCentral DAST, Fortify Static Code Analyzer, and Fortify WebInspect to use the LIM.
Using the default setting, the URL resembles the following:
4. Click Next.
5. (Optional) To associate an SSL certificate with the site, select Require Secure Channel (SSL)
and select an available certificate (or click Add to add a certificate).
6. Click Next.
The Setup LIM Administrator window appears.
7. Continue as follows to create the first LIM Administrator account:
a. In the User Name box, type a user name. This is the name that will appear as the Login Name
in the list of LIM Administrators.
b. In the Full Name box, type the user's first and last names.
c. In the Password and Retype Password boxes, type a password for the account.
Note: The password must contain at least eight characters and include at least three of
the following four character groups:
Uppercase characters (A through Z)
Lowercase characters (a through z)
Numerals (0 through 9)
Non-alphabetic characters (such as !, $, #, %)
d. In the Email box, type the email address for the user.
e. Click Next.
The Setup Authentication window appears.
8. Does your IIS require authentication?
If yes, select the Configure user account for windows service access to the web services
option. In the User Name box, provide a valid user name. In the Password and Retype
Password boxes, type the corresponding password.
If no, select Use anonymous access.
Note: If you turn off anonymous authentication in the future, you will need to re-run the
LIM Initializer to configure a user account for Windows service access to the web services.
9. Click Next.
10. If the settings displayed on the Summary window are correct, click Next; otherwise, click Back
and correct the settings.
11. After the initialization program installs Web services, creates a database, and adds the LIM
Admin Console shortcut to the desktop, click Finish to terminate the program.
Micro Focus Fortify License and Infrastructure Manager (22.1.0)
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